Tuesday, August 2, 2016


TELL ME TUESDAY is a floating feature depending on your reading style, where you tell us what you read last, what you are reading now, what you will be reading in the future from your tbr pile, and why. I am oh so curious why people read what they read. So tell me!
Joining us this week...
Jolene from JO'S BOOK BLOG
Go have a look at their latest grabs and tell them yours!


I buddy read this with Jolene from JO'S BOOK BLOG. My full blog spoilery review will be up on Monday. 

I am buddy reading this with Annemieke from A DANCE WITH BOOKS, well, she was so pulled in by the story she blew past me and finished, but I understand why. Ha ha! We are discussing it via Twitter DMs as I continue. I got bogged down because I am not used to reading physical copies anymore and found my hardcover unwieldy. I went to my library's website to see if they had the ebook, but they didn't. They did, however, have the audiobook, but it didn't help much because the narrator spoke on the slow side, his female voicings were horrible, and he pronounced Gansey's name like "can-see" not "GAIN-see" and it was really bothering me. After another session with the hardcover I broke down and bought the ebook. It was only $5.99, so it wasn't too bad. I am still shipping Blue and Gansey.

I adore this cover.

It publishes on August 15th!
Did you read The Cursed Child? What are you reading now? Please tell me!

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