Sunday, April 24, 2016


THE SUNDAY POST is a weekly wrap-up feature hosted by Kimba at the CAFFEINATED BOOK REVIEWER.

To be honest, I don't know where this week went! I got almost zero reading done, I only did ONE blog post, I wrote no reviews, and I didn't get my guest post done. I got about a quarter of my tardy blogversary post done, and as of yesterday I started getting into reading Black Rabbit Hall again. It isn't that I wasn't enjoying it, because I was, I just wasn't feeling like reading in general. 
I tell you about week two of my ARC April Challenge.

I did something that has made my blogging life so much simpler. I started a third email account and moved all but my top eight favorite blogs that I follow over to that account and I only check it once every couple of days. Because all that is in this inbox are blog posts, and it isn't jumbled up with author newsletters, review requests, tour offers and such, I can zip right through them; visiting only the posts that have something I want to see. I go through them and then immediately bulk trash and delete them, not having to worry if I have deleted tour info, or a mobi file by accident, or as I have done in the past, a giveaway win notification. I have done that five times! One was a $50 Amazon giftcard. 
*huge frowny face*

Of course the first email I received from support had nothing to do with my publishing problem. Ben told me to check my internet connection and clear my cache. Ha ha. I think Ben was a robot response. Let's hope the new guy, Laith, is human. The one thing that bothered me is it took them over a week to get back to me and when I didn't answer Laith's email in less than 24 hours, they sent me an email basically saying that they take their service seriously and a prompt reply (from me) would show that I appreciated it. *clunk* That was my hard head hitting the table. So, as of now, my story remains retracted until further notice.
MY SON IS READING AGAIN! One of his friends gave him the first Dresden Files book and he said he would review it here on the blog.

This is still a $1.99 ebook deal today. I read the ARC and gave it five stars, so I bought it to have in my Kindle library. It is tied with The Smell Of Other People's Houses for my top book so far this year.

*also my pillow from Cait's Paper Fury Society6 shop arrived Friday, but I need my son's help wrangling the cat, so the "in the wild" photos will have to wait until next week.

Our Sunday Post pal, Greg from BOOK HAVEN, posted the second installment of his story TRUST ISSUES. I love it.

Megan from NEVER ENDING BOOK BASKET received this email...
They removed over 300 of her reviews and blocked her from reviewing in the future. They won't tell her what she did wrong. Read her post about it: HERE. Could we be next?

You truly were a musical genius.
A lot of people didn't realize the depth of his guitar playing talent, and that he played over 40 different instrumnents. Listen to his solo in this Purple Rain performance.

ARC April week three.

Birth Order Quirks

Book Lion Delights (I am not a bookworm)

And as usual... what ever else might get thrown in the mix.

Have a beautiful week!


  1. I'm so glad that you son is reading! I finds that a lot of guys *teenagers* find that reading isn't cool! So, I'm glad that he is going to post a review! That is a great idea with making a new email account! I'm glad that it's working for you. Have a wonderful week!


    1. Yes, he's hasn't read for pleasure since the summer after he graduated from high school. He wanted tyo re-read the Inkheart books and I dug around in the boxes in our storage room for them, but they remain sitting on his shelf. I am hoping after a couple of Dresden File books he will get to them.

  2. While it may not have been a bloggy week it was definitely a productive week! I love dealing with online support. They're always just so helpful. (if I had a sarcasm font I'd be using it) Ben definitely sounds like a robot but hopefully Laith isn't and will help you - if you show you're serious about the process of course. The Amazon thing is crazy! I love that they won't tell her what she did and won't respond to future emails. That definitely makes me a little nervous for my own profile! Hope this week is great!

    1. Thanks! Man oh man is that Amazon situation scary! When they first started talking about the "author friendship" thing they made it sound like they would only remove those reviews, not every review you have ever made and then bloick you! It is bad enough not knowing their "author friendship" criteria and what even flags the review in the first place. I unhooked my Amazon account from all of my social sites like the big time bloggers said to do, but geesh, is that even enough?

  3. Yay I hope he loves the Dresden Files. Wattpad was very quick to respond to my DMCA takedown notices regarding my stolen image on two books. Hopefully things get sorted this week for you. The whole Amazon thing is weird, do you know her, did she disclose the books were provided for review?

    1. I don't know her. I saw the post on Victorian Soul Critiques. She did say that most of her reviews were for books she had bought. Everyone is assuming it is the "author friendship" thing that Amazon started going on about, but because they won't tell her she doesn't know. How can they assume if it wasn't a "vertified purchase" that it was a review copy? I borrow books from the library and buy physical books from B&N and Book Outlet. It is just very scary.

  4. I have never really been sure that The Serpent King would be my kind of book, but I am so curious about it because I see so many people talking about how great it is and how much they just bawled during it. So this post convinced me to buy it since it was also $1.99 on my Nook. So I won't be too sad if I don't end up liking it. Thanks for the push! :)

    1. I didn't care for the first 20%, but the rest of the book was beyond out of this world, so I ended up still giving it five stars. It wasn't the type of book I am usually into either because Contemporary is not my thing. I hope you love it, too. ;)

  5. Sorry to hear about your problems with Wattpad. The customer service sounds really frustrating.

    Making a separate email for bloggy stuff sounds like a good plan, but I'm too lazy. I feel like I have too many emails already as it is lol.

    But ugh, the crap that Amazon pulls is so concerning because it does make wonder if one day it'll be me. And they're always so vague. Even when I try to post reviews, sometimes it'll get rejected, but it never tells you a freaking reason, so how are you supposed to fix it?!

    1. I know! What got me was when they first started talking about the "author friendship" thing they said the offending review would be deleted, not the entire catalog of your reviews. And to be blocked from reviewing anything else is ridiculous. It is very scary.

  6. Agh, that's sucky about wattpad not being helpful. D: And that's sucky about that reviewer being blocked on amazon. What does that even MEAN?!?! "Manipulating customer reviews"??? Like. wut. Amazon is weird. I don't post on Amazon but I'd be livid if something like that ever happened on goodreads to me. :O


    And this reminds me that I still haven't read The Serpent King and I'm ashamed. 😂 I need to get onto that!!

    1. I review on Amazon, but they are only my Goodreads reviews copy and pasted. It would still bother me though because it is a different group of readers to reach. Readers that most likely don't frequent book blogs, or have Goodreads accounts. To be blocked from reviewing in the future is not right. They should not be able to remove, or block reviews that are "verified purchases", though. Yes, read The Serpent King! It is a realistic portrayal of some of the looniness religious people can get into. :)

  7. I like that separate email account idea, I may try that! I usually just use bloglovin to keep track but I have a ton of blogs I like, and frankly I don't keep up with them all because there just isn't enough time. The Wattpad thing is terrible- here they take forever to get back to you, but expect you to reply right away. Ugh. I don't understand online customer service sometimes.

    Thank you for the mention!! I appreciate it. :):)::)

    And the Amazon thing- shakes head. I don't ever post to Amazon (thought about it) but now I probably won't. Another case where I'm sure a well meaning intention impacts people who have done nothing wrong...

    1. I love reading Trust Issues. I am solidly hooked now. This whole "friends with the author" thing is weird, and books that are not verified Anazon purchases could be so many other things like gifts, purchases from other retailers, or library borrows. I hope the Wattpad thing gets cleared up soon because I have another chapter ready to go. :)

  8. I was noticing how Laith is an anagram of Litha. New penname? But that sucks that Wattpad is SO helpful /snark. I used to read stories on a niche site that had free exposure for authors of SFF, but it isn't around any longer, so I can't recommend it. That thing with Megan was so sad- I was just about to copy and paste some former ARC reviews on Amazon, but not anymore!
    Gee, this week has been a bummer, especially with Prince's passing (he was my mom's favorite). However, my hands are feeling improved, so there's that. I've been typing for a couple hours and the burning is almost unnoticeable. I think I'll have more posts (other than my Sunday mainstays) up this week.
    ~Litha Nelle... or Laith Ellen?

    1. Laith can be your male persona! I am happy to hear your arm/hands problem is getting better. I think I will be doing a post about Amazon and "author friends" and the like. I only copy and paste my Goidreads reviews they're, but geesh, that is like a third audience outlet for our opinions.

  9. ugh that Amazon thing is scary! it is scary how much power some companies have! :(
    Aannnd... bad customer services like Wattpad! you gotta love *being sarcastic here* when they get all demanding on you when they took A WEEK! WE book bloggers should start a UNION! :) I really want to continue reading Hidden Magic :(

    1. It made me laugh! Yes, we should start a union. If nothing else we would have boycotting leverage. :)

    2. La La Hiddden Magic is back in Wattpad! Ijust got a notification! :) YAY!!!

    3. Yes! Laity was wonderful. He fixed it in one fell swoop!

  10. That's great your son is reading again. I have the first book in the Dresden Files and I really do want to check it out! Long series are just a bit intimidating. haha

    Sorry about your Wattpad troubles. That's crazy they take so long to write back and then comment on how you should be more respectful and write back within the first 24 hours. First off, life happens. Second off, practice what you preach much? haha


    1. At least they didn't send a get with it note about responding to Ben the Robot. Heh heh. I am hoping my son considers reading other things again, too. :)

  11. I got a lot of emails from blog posts as well. I just put some in a weekly mail so my box wouldn't be as cluttered. And great that your son is reading again!

    1. I actually have an Inbox for Bloglovin' that I forgot about, but that email is crazy because Bloglovin' sometimes emails each post tbre times. Plus I follow more blogs via Bloglovin' than I pay attention to. Ha ha. Yes, I just hope he keeps reading. :)

  12. Dresden files are awesome, fun fact for you, I read the first book whilst on a jumbo jet coming back from Florida and we hit clear air turbulence, the book landed several aisles away! Great series that one day I will get back too!

    I'll check out that post Amazon removing reviews, that sounds shit.

    That is a good idea about setting up another email, I have trouble getting email subs through as they don't seem to like hotmail accounts or maybe just my hotmail account. I just use DIGG to keep a track of my fave blogs so I can see what I still have to read.

    RIP Prince, I have been playing Raspberry Beret all weekend, my kids are very pissed off!

    Have a great week!

    1. Omg! That is why I hate airplanes! Yes, that whole author aquaintance thing is strange. How does Amazon even decide that? It is shit, you are right.


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