Saturday, August 29, 2015


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.
Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Last month I was raving about getting a Mystic City hardcover for my shelves and this month I am raving about getting its sequel TOXIC HEART in HC!

I bought the last paperback of ORLEANS to give away. I have given away four and have three more for gifts and giveaways. However, the hardcovers have come down in price so I am going to buy one of those for the blog review giveaway.

FATED is the last book in the Claimed trilogy. While I am not a fan of the type of romance in these books, I very much appreciated the storyline, and could not imagine not knowing what happened to Aislin and Jason. Another point in Sara Fine's favor is that the characters are mythological and I usually don't like that premise.


750 YEARS IN PARIS is a literary graphic novel. Besides getting the eARC via Edelweiss, the publisher sent me the illustrative pages as PDFs. I adore the Parisian culture, and feel very lucky to have this ARC. I had a look at it last night and it is brilliant!

This was an odd approval. The email the publisher sent me said that I must review this book on my blog and send them the link. If I do not review it on my blog they will not approve any other requests they get from me. Ha ha!

This was July's NovlBox curated by LIBBA BRAY. I am only keeping the Novl tote. I am sending Elizabeth from SO LONG... & THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH everything else but the nail polish, which I am giving to my sister. She loves Libba's books so much! If you would like to enter to win a NovlBox, check it out HERE. Oh, and I ate the candy. Ha!


It was on special for $1.99 and I snapped it up because I am planning to read all four of the Maguire Oz stories for the Fairytale Retelling Challenge. I was hoping to add the narration for a decent price, but $12.99 was too pricey for me.

Another $1.99 special intended to lead you into buying the $12.99 narration. However, keep them coming Amazon because I don't get led easily. Thank you to Shannon, from REX ROBOT REVIEWS, for the heads-up on this one,

This was a 99 cent ebook deal I saw on BookBub. I had been coveting the hardcover of this book for some time. The day I saw it in Barnes and Noble, about five years ago, it was $29.99. I almost screamed out loud when I saw it was less than a dollar! I waited until the next day to tell my sister, and she hates me now because it was back up to $9.99 for the ebook. The restaurant is in Salem Massachusetts, and it is superb! 

I preordered this for 99 cents, and it released on August 18th. It is a short story about how the Darkling came to be from the GRISHA TRILOGY.

This is still $1.99 as an ebook and I added the narration for $2.99. I do not know if the narration is still at that price, but you should definitely check to see!


I love the cover, it is about a little girl's imaginary friend, and FREE; what could be better?

What was your favorite bookish acquisition this month? 


  1. Maybe the publisher for that book didn't see very much interest in reviewing it, so they made it a requirement? It's an interesting way to boost interest I suppose, lol!
    My boyfriend is most of the way through The Martian and is loving it as much as I did, he bought the ebook and audio bundle as well. I still need to find a copy of the last Wicked book, it's been so long since I've read a maguire book.

    1. My cousin commented on Facebook that her husband just finished The Martian and loved it, too. I am listening to the audiobook of Wicked right now and I am surprised how much I have forgotten, but I read it a very very long time ago. It was a wise decision to reread it before reading Son of a Witch. :)


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