Friday, April 28, 2017

BOOK BLOGGER HOP #6 Do You Re-Read Books?



BOOK BLOGGER HOP is hosted by Billy at Ramblings From A Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. This week's question was submitted by Elizabeth from Silver's Reviews.

What books have you re-read, and why?
I used to re-read a lot more before blogging. I have re-read the Dune Series twice, the Thomas Covenant Series twice, the Earthsea trilogy once, I have re-read Jane Eyre about six times, and To Kill a Mockingbird around four times. Of course I have given a Wrinkle In Time several re-reads, too. I couldn't even guess at how many times I have re-read books one time, especially classics. Plus, the Harry Potter books... I probably read the first book five or six times. I must admit that The Half-Blood Prince I only read twice and The Deathly Hallows just once, but the rest were read at least three times each.

For me I think maybe the first re-read is to see if I can pick up on foreshadowing and details I missed the first time around. Reading a book after knowing the outcome can be a wholly different experience. If I want to re-read it more than once, I think it is probably for comfort reasons. I noticed I did quite a bit of re-reading right after my ex left.

I have been trying to set aside more time for re-reads this year and have found that listening to audiobooks is wonderful for this, especially for classics.


I am also planning on re-reading all of the Harry Potter books as I aquire the illustrated editions.
What types of books do you find yourself re-reading?

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