Sunday, October 25, 2015


THE SUNDAY POST is a weekly feature hosted by Kimba at the Caffinated Book Reviewer. It is a chance to recap the previous week, share news, showcase books and/or bookish things we have received, and tell about what is coming up on our blog in the next week. You can view the guidelines, HERE.

This was actually the week before, but I did not post a The Sunday Post. *NOTE: Do not try to finish posts when you are sleepy. I listed DEATHLY HALLOWS as my favorite book about witches, when my favorite Harry Potter is HALF-BLOOD PRINCE! Potterhead problems, ha ha. I have fixed it. I am asking everyone who is in the Halloween Spirit to do the tag!

I tell you all about the Kindle download fiasco. And about the scary books I am reading.

Kaylee, Shannon from REX ROBOT REVIEW'S five year old daughter, gave her first book review on my Children's book blog TICKLING DRAGONS! She reviewed THE WORST WITCH; kicking off the blog's Halloween Witch Week. Mommy also had her input, and there were witchy activities at the end of the post. If you have kids, grandkids. or babysit, you should check it out.

I didn't do much of anything on the blog, but I did hang out on GOODREADS quite a bit last week. I revised my shelves so that children's picture books and instructional books like cookbooks and gardening books do not count towards my "read" totals. They now have separate "exclusive" shelves and I don't put a date on the review, so  they don't count towards my reading challenges. I have always felt guilty about the picture books that take five to ten minutes to read,  and cookbooks that I leaf through and don't read every page, being in my totals. I also did dedicated shelves for books that I only might want to read labeled "looks interesting", children's picture books, and cooking/gardening books so my tbr isn't so unwieldy! I also did more tidying up in the the UKYA group that I inherited in shambles a few months ago. I think I have all of the old messy boards gone now. If anyone is interested in being an admin LET ME KNOW! You don't have to be from the UK, you just need love some British YA books. I also, in feeling homesick for MyLeaky the Harry Potter social site affiliated with The Leaky Cauldron, started a HP fan group called HOGWARTS IS OUR HOME. It has a ton of different boards, so if you love Harry Potter you should join me there. I could also use some admins to help me in that group, too. I am monitoring the Ravenclaw common room, but I will need a house member for each of the others.

Remember the free Kindle Classics DRACULA ebook I added the narration to for 99¢? I am listening to it now and it is stellar! It is a full cast narration and two of the narrators are Tim Curry and Alan Cummings. Even if you don't intend to read it soon you should snap it up now. 

Cait's post on PAPER FURY was all the rage among book bloggers two weeks ago, but I (as you know) didn't have a Sunday Post last week, so just in case anyone missed it here it is, HOW TO BE KIND TO BOOK BLOGGERS.

Greg from BOOK HAVEN also had a popular discussion post from two weeks ago, BLOGGING VS REAL LIFE, so in case you missed that one, here you have it.

This was the HUGE NEWS last week! I got it almost immediately because, as one of the last dwindling members of THE LEAKY CAULDRON'S MyLeaky social site, I am friends with the person who posts most of the stories to TLC's newsfeed and I got a heads up just before she posted. This was a huge boon to the Harry Potter fanpage I co-head admin on Facebook. The post reach on that page was almost 5,000 and it might be more now because I haven't checked in a while. A ton of people shared it too, so FB will boost our post reach on other posts. I thank her for that. I was hoping it would do the same thing on my book page, but I think only two people shared it. Hehe.
This is the artwork animated version.
THE CURSED CHILD picks up where THE DEATHLY HALLOWS epilogue leaves off and is about Albus Severus. The tagline is, "Sometimes darkness comes from unexpected places."

The Goodreads group HOGWARTS IS OUR HOME has two, THE CURSED CHILD, discussion boards. You can see the play's NEWS board, HERE .

There will be all kinds of witchy things going on at TICKLING DRAGONS for HALLOWEEN WITCH WEEK.

Have a Spooktacular week!


  1. Sorry to hear about the download fiasco- that would be so aggravating. I really should do more with goodreads, I've been there for a while but don't log in much. Gotta work on that.

    Thanks for the shout out!

    1. I run hot and cold with Goodreads. I am either there alot, or only there to throw short reviews up. It is a very "mood driven" thing for me. :)

  2. I need to clean up my Goodreads account. It could definitely be better organized. I missed your Kindle download fiasco. How frustrating! I want things to just work. Have a fantastic week!

    1. I add so much stuff to my Goodreads that it gets out of hand quickly. Ha ha. :)

  3. I really should use Goodreads better, I wanted to track all my TBR books but then I couldn't be bothered. It can be a good place though!

    My 8 year old keeps threatening to do a review for me but whenever I say lets go she always changes her mind!

    Have a good week!

    1. My sister is the same way (but she is 42) she keeps saying she wants to do a monthly post on on the blog, but when I ask what she wants to do, she starts mumbling. :)

  4. Oh I am so glad the audio of Dracula is stellar. I am off to read about your kindle fiasco. Hope your week is amazing!!

    1. I have had other cheap add on narrations be meh and not so great, so it was a nice surptise!

  5. AWWW, thanks for sharing my post. :') I was super surprised at how far it travelled! SO HONOURED, OMG. *gives cake to the world in general basically*
    And good on you for organising Goodreads!! I have SO MANY SHELVES, OMG. I always feel guilty about counting comics. But they're usually 100-pages...but just...some pages are full on pictures. XD AH, bookworm guilt problems. >_<

    1. 100 pages is decent. I still include children's chapter books and they have some full page illustrations. Some people read those 50 page Romance "novels" my sister was telling me about, so I don't feel guilty about the children's chapter books. Ha!

  6. I must check to see I'm following your review or we're friends on Goodreads. I don't hang out there much and mostly use it to track my reading and share summaries of my reviews etc.

    LOVE the Frankenstein gif thingy!

    1. I love Frankie, too. I should probably stick a Goodreads widget on the side bar. :)


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