Tuesday, September 1, 2015


TELL ME TUESDAY is a feature that oozed from my post Twitter party fried-brains. It is a weekly, or bi-weekly feature (depending on your reading style), where you tell us what you are reading now, and why, and what you will be reading in the future from your tbr pile, and why. I am oh so curious why people read what they read. So tell me!
Joining us this week...
Go have a peek at their latest grabs and tell them about yours.
You how how I was all calm, cool, and collected about my reading slump because I only had one ARC publishing in September, and it wasn't until the end of the month? Well, I started seeing reviews popping up for Dumplin', and The Wanderers.
I checked the NotePad app on my Kindle and it said Dumplin' was pubbing at the beginning of October, and I was pretty confident about The Wanderers because it was one of the books I binge requested on EW a month ago, and the approval only came in a few days ago. But then I saw Dumplin' in a collage of September pubs on a website.
So I went to Edelweiss and checked; The Wanderers is releasing today...
and Dumplin' on the 15th!
So I guess I will be reading this...
and this...


I am not looking forward to this forced slump emergence to begin with, and the added ugh is that the bloggers who usually have similar tastes to mine have been meh about both of these books.
I am afraid to go and check on the other books I thought didn't publish until October.

What are you reading? Tell me!


  1. I just had The Wanderers on my blog yesterday, I did enjoy it though I would say I suppose it is written for a much younger audience than my 36 years but it was good.

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. That makes me feel better. I do like Middle Grade, so that should help, too. I will have to check out your post. :)

  2. AWK. Don't you hate it when you think a book is releasing on a date it's not!?? I GET SO FLUSTERED. This doesn't happen too much for me, but it does, because even the America to Australia release dates can be different, aka confusing. xD
    *whispers* I loved Dumplin...
    I'm reading Mad About the Hatter which I got from Netgalley on a whim! It's...very insta-lovey. *sadface*

  3. Then there is hope for Dumplin'! I agree, insta-love, BLECK. :(

  4. Oh Lala! How I missed your blog and original features! :) Sadly, I'm not reading anything because I'm going through this MASSIVE SLUMP. Even re-reads won't do! Sigh. I think I'll just ride it out but it does make me sad that I'm not able to read. I hope you enjoy both books!

    1. I feel your pain; mine has been over a month, although I have been listening to audiobooks. In fact i am still so slumpy that I have been listening to The Wanderers in text-to-speech. Ha!

  5. Hey now! Dumplin' wasn't a meh book at all! Haha. It really resonated with me and I hope you'll learn to love it, too, Lala! Hopefully these two will get you out of your slumps (which are so dreadful, I agree!)

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Yes, I felt much better about reading Dumplin' after reading your review on The Social Potato. :)

  6. THIS PROBLEM. I get it all the time... gah. And sometimes release dates are different for different book editions (US vs UK) and I JUST GET SO CONFUSED. D; I also haven't read a LOT of the books I should have read already... eek. I might read Dumplin' soon though, since Faye loved it!

    1. Faye made me feel a whole lot better about Dumplin'! I slump probably about three times a year, but this time was sooooooo long, and It was while I was off of my main job for the summer, so it was a ton of wasted reading time.

  7. Whooops!! It sucks when you have your pile of books to read organized and then for some reason either you were wrong or the publishing date was pushed around!

    Happy reading LaLa!!

    1. Thanks, Pili. In the case of Dumplin' I really think it was pushed around because I always go directly to my notepad app and put it on my list when I get books from NG and EW.

  8. I'm glad Dumplin ended up being a hit with you! I looked up The Wanderers and am sad it didn't fare so well - the premise is so interesting! Alas, such is the book life. Has this helped you out of your reading slump at all?


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