Sunday, September 6, 2020



Hello, lovely Library Lions and beautiful Book Dragons! Maybe you've noticed I have been disappearing off and on during the last two or three months, or maybe you haven't, ha ha. I wasn't able to do a Tell Me Tuesday this week, so I thought I'd post a quick chat. I've been being plagued with shoulder dislocations on both sides lately and a few times it was both sides at once and so typing, even on my Kindle was extremely difficult and painful. I managed to keep limping along with a TMT post every week, except this last week, and shorter than usual Bumbershoot posts. If you hadn't noticed I decided to let The Snidget posts go. Anyway, I was told to immobilize both shoulders with my compressors for two weeks and I am happy to say I am much better! However, I am once again way behind on blog commenting and social media. I think I'm going to cut out book Twitter until next January, and I'm trying to find a good schedule for blog hopping and Instagram. I have been keeping Fridays dedicated to Goodreads for the last couple of years, so that's staying. Saturdays I want to keep totally off the internet and focus on my music. I was thinking Sundays for guitar, too, but if I only hop around everyone's Sunday posts and stay off the rest of social media, I will still have a big chunk of time for my music. Then Wednesdays because I can comment on TTTs and WOWs. I just have to figure out the best days for Instagram. Do any of you have IG schedules? Let me know in the comments!

Meet Grace and Felix. I bought a small parlor guitar and an acoustic bass figuring I could practice more if I had lighter guitars with my shoulder situation going on. I named the little parlor guitar in honor of Grace Rebel Mommy because it will keep me mindful of the fact no matter how difficult it is to follow my passion, I am alive to do it and there are no excuses.


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