Sunday, January 19, 2020



This is a monthly sister blog feature for my popular Facebook page BUMBERSHOOT'S WITCHERY COOKERY & MAGICAL LIFESTYLES. My followers asked for it, and so it was granted! Jump on your broomstick and fly on over to Facebook and join in on all the fun!

Are you joining in on the Book Night festivities? You don't have to go to an event to have some magical fun. I celebrate at home with Potter books and Three Broomsticks worthy foods and drinks! If you participate in anyway this year take a photo or two and I will share them in my Book Night recap post.

Add this to your list of magical looking fruits, but don't expect to eat one of these dark purple apples in the near future. They only grow in Tibet right now, and even there they are so difficult to grow the apples end up costing $7.00 each! A bowl of these elegant fruits would be a wonderful centerpiece for any Hogwarts themed luncheon party, but you'd have to empty out your Gringott's vault to do that. Ha ha! We do have ARKANSAS BLACK apples here in the US...

They don't look nearly as dark as the Tibetan apples, but they are supposed to taste a bit like cherries, so I'm going to ask Wegmans if they can get some in the store. Maybe for Halloween? What is your favorite apple variety?

I cannot decide if I want to re-attempt these doughnuts for Harry Potter Book Night, or Easter breakfast. I have wanted to try and make them for the past two Christmases, but could never gather all the supplies needed in time.

Back when we were having Harry Potter themed parties for my son, Baz, I knew pumpkin juice made with real pumpkin would probably not go over well with the kiddies, so I mixed a gallon of cider (it's non-alcoholic here in the states) with one bottle of Juicy Juice tangerine flavor 100% juice and added a little cinnamon to it. I had an adult Hogwarts themed Halloween dinner party one year and found pumpkin spice canned whipped cream to put on top to make it more pumpkin-y, but I haven't seen it since. However, on MISS WIZARDING WORLD'S Instagram account she mentioned the Universal theme parks' official Pumpkin Juice is a mixture of apple juice and pineapple juice with a little pumpkin spice, so I'm going to make that combo for Book Night!

I know I have been promising my hybrid recipe for Butter Beer with the correct amounts of: cream soda, butterscotch ice cream topping, and bottled butter flavoring, but I haven't had the time, nor the energy and I apologize. I was going to be lazy and drink Flying Cauldron Butterscotch Beer for Potterhead occasions, but it, and the two other butterscotch beers I have found all have stevia in them and stevia is not my digestive friend (if you get my drift). Therefore, the homemade recipe is still a must for me, ha ha. I wonder if the theme park Butter Beer has stevia in it? I will try and put together a special Witchery Cookery Butter Beer post for the Sunday before Harry Potter Book Night, but no promises. I have also been working on a marshmallow Fluff and vanilla coffee creamer topping!

Where I sometimes get ripped-off, so you don't have to!

These molds are nicely made and easy to use, but the wings are not very detailed; they look like little blobs. However, they do weight the ball so the lovely snitch pattern is what you see at the top of your drink. The regular price of $22.00 is way too high in my opinion. I bought mine during a holiday sale in December for around $19.00 and I feel that is still too much. If you watch for a 40-50% off sale, and can purchase it for $12.00 or less, I'd say go for it. I'll be using these in "pumpkin" juice for Harry Potter Book Night. I'll get close-ups of these frozen snitches and post them in my Book Night recap post.

I bought this set to make cookies for Yule and Christmas Eve, but I was very ill during the holidays so it didn't happen. I will definitely be using them to make cookies for Harry Potter Book Night, though! The regular price is $42.50, but they seem to always be about 40% off for $25.00. The regular price for me would be a definite no, but they come with decorating tips and icing bags, so $25 isn't too bad. I was a tad disappointed the storage container was a box and not a tin, although the box is made to look like a book and you can put it with your cookbooks, which I like. Watch for my Book Night recap to see how well I did with decorating my cookies. Ha!  Do you have any Harry Potter cookie cutters? I'm also going to use the little lightening bolt cutter to make cheese shapes to go on crackers.

This is normally $15.00 which is highway robbery in my opinion. I purchased it during a 50% off sale for $7.50, and that was okay, but I am not so sure about the color finish on the silicone, so I'm not going to use it except as a prop for Instagram photos. Does anyone have this? Does the design hold up with washing?

It's January Dragon Month here on the blog, so I thought I'd share a dragon egg making tutorial, or how about a Triwizard Tournament Golden Egg for a Harry Potter Book Night centerpiece?

In keeping with Dragon Month here on the blog, I thought I'd share these excellent dragon creations from one of my favorite wandmakers. This is the shop I'll be buying my son's wand from a little later on this year.

Stay magical, my friends!