Thursday, November 29, 2018

CHIT CHAT #2 - Backlist vs. Backlog


Random thoughts, random days...

Today am linking up with Carole's Random Life and her BOOKS FROM THE BACKLOG feature. 

I was blog hopping and realized I had been intending to link up with Carole's feature on my Wednesday Whatnot posts and Book Crust posts, and that I had been neglecting to add a backlist book I wanted needed to read, to them. So, to get the ball rolling I decided we could chat about the terms backlist and backlog. Ha ha...

I was thinking about the word "backlist" and how it makes a teetering TBR sound neat and organized. It has a light and airy feeling to it, like we skip over to our bookshelves and contentedly run our fingers along perfectly aligned spines looking for a book that will tickle our fancy, or satiate a craving, when that is not the reality for most book bloggers.

I think the term "backlog" is more appropriate. Heh heh.

Here's a backlog Netgalley ARC from February 2017 I've been meaning to get to. The story is about two cultures I am extremely in love with, and it's Own Voices, too!

How do you feel about your TBR? Does it feel more like a backlist or a backlog?

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