Monday, September 4, 2023

HELLO SEPTEMBER! September 2023 #Apples #Summerfall #September #Sunflowers #NoPumkinSpice #PumpkinSpiceFreeZone

• Pears • Maple • Cinnamon • Chai • Caramel • Doughnuts •

A new feature... I will be posting about my favorite seasonal foods, moods, inspirations and celebrations at the beginning of each month!

Just a reminder that September is apple season, not the big orange gourd season. Most of September is late summer. The Equinox is on September 23rd. The orange gourd social media puking started mid-August this year. By the time October rolls around I'm sick of seeing fall decor and that certain spice flavor. I love autumn, it's my favorite season, but the specialness of it gets ruined by this social media cult. I'm not saying they shouldn't enjoy it early if that's their thing, but keep it to yourself until at least the 24th. They can still have two full months of their cult drink if they would stop screaming, "It's hot chocolate time now," on November first. November is still fall... please let me enjoy the seasons as they are. There's an entire corporate driven consumer puppetry show going on with this gourd spice, that the cult members either don't see or won't acknowledge. Let's go crazy for sunflowers, cinnamon, and apple pie spice in September. Personally, I love chai spice in September.


I stumbled upon this variety in my local Wegmans grocery store about three years ago and it has been my A number one top favorite apple since. I have been sad because there haven't been any in the store, yet, and my next favorite apple, honey crisp, is always sold out.

Even though maple syrup is made in the spring it is a popular September flavor. Candy apples and doughnuts can be found along side the cider at our local cider mill starting in September.


It's also pear season. Did you know there are ten different pear varieties in the US? The bartlett pear is the most popular. Bosc is my favorite.

The Autumnal Equinox is September 23rd this year and marks the beginning of fall. It is called an equinox because the number of daytime hours and nightime hours are equal. September's equinox is the second in the year; March's Vernal Equinox, marking the beginning of spring, being the first.

I do the same few low-key simple things each year to celebrate the arrival off fall. I make Stone Soup for the first time of the season: which is broth from cartons, pasta and usually brown rice and a handful of barley, with grated carrots (it's the only way my son will eat carrots and they cook faster this way), potatoes, peas, beans and whatever else there is to throw in. I bake beer bread if it's not too hot outside. If it is hot out I grab some crusty bread from the store. I make apple cake in the evening the night before, when it's cooler outside. We have cider for the first time in the year. I buy sunflowers for the table, my favorite flower, and make apple votive candle holders.

The Harvest Moon this year is on September 29th. I always make sure I get outside to see it because it is beautiful and soul lifting. I also toast to the Harvest Moon with an apple based cocktail. Baz usually has hard cider.


The crows start becoming more active as the weather cools down and so do I, ha ha! I love late afternoon strolls in September because the golden sunlight is glorious. I carry peanuts in the shell to toss to the crows on my walks. I love watching them hop around. They look like they are dancing.
A new taste I have added to my September repertoire is chai. I started drinking chai tea about four years ago and it's become a craving this year in September. I baked chai cookies a couple of years ago and they were wonderful. I need to remember to make them again.
And crickets... I love listening to the crickets at night; after I get over the melancholy feeling they bring, announcing the waning days of summer. I'm a big one for backyard suppers as the temperatures cool down, and they provide an atmospheric accompaniment.

To gently glide into spooky season I like to read about witches in September. This is my favorite prequel to Practical Magic and I am going to be doing a re-read at some point this month. I think ghost stories would also be wonderful September reads.

What do you love about September?

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