Sunday, November 1, 2020

THE SUNDAY POST #14 - Welcome November!


Hello, lovely Library Lions and beautiful Book Dragons! Spooky season was a bust for me this year. I was sick, really sick, but I guess I managed to read more because of it. I let my Witchery Cookery and Magical Lifestyles page flounder on Facebook. October, with Halloween posts, is my most active time on that page with posts normally reaching 800-1200+ followers. I think my top one had only around 275 views this year. I also usually gain about 200 likers/followers during October, but I checked and it looks like I lost some followers this year, and my page likers have slipped below 2,000. *sigh*

It was also my birthday month! I was too ill to celebrate on that day, but a few days later Baz made veggie lasagna, we had my favorite cheesecake, and he bought the more expensive coffee I love to go with it. As usual he gave me a ton of chocolate to make up for forgetting to order the book I wanted, he does this on Mother's Day, too! When I tell him my Christmas Eve book exchange request he buys all three and I get them at Yuletide. It has become tradition, ha ha. It's also birthday month at our house, so we had take-out, my choice, once a week instead of only once. And... my birthday month sharer, Annemieke, from A Dance With Books, sent me gorgeous bookmarks she hand painted, to match each one of my Gollancz, Discworld Witches story arc hardcovers, a beautiful magnitized feather bookmark, and a cute little starry notebook (photos to come). So yay to all that! Annemieke has a hand painted bookmarks and stickers Etsy shop now!
I did grieve for my safe at home Halloween plans, though. I was going to watch Practical Magic and eat popcorn mixed with candy corn, but the two grocery stores we go to were out of candy corn, and I also waited too long to get a pumpkin to carve.

And of course there is contending with the horrors of both the Blogger and Instagram updates. I'm going to be honest and say I'm tired of all the jiggly, jumpy, swishing back and forth "reels" in my IG feed. They give me a headache. I had to mute some people because that's all their content is, now. I hope the novelty wears off in November.

November is SciFi Month, even though I think it should be Fantasy Month because to me Fantasy is more fitting for the weather. Heh heh. I am continuing with my 2020 A Year of Classics personal reading challenge, so my SciFi will all be from before 1970.

Any recommendations?


Have a delightful November, my friends!

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