Sunday, June 28, 2020

SUNDAY CHAT #10 - Playing Violin For Kittens...

Playing Violin For Kittens...

Hello, my lovely Library Lions and beautiful Book Dragons! I've been ill, but what's new. Ha ha. It seems to be my new normal and I'm trying to reorganize and re-evaluate my daily tasks, and routines to accommodate this new phase in my life. One thing is I became too used to having Baz at home and not in classes this last semester, and him not being able to hang out with his friends because of curfew and shelter-at-home rules. He also had less hours at work because of the store having to pay hazard pay. Being independent means a lot to me. I need a plan! I need a rolling office chair.

If a person reads this and still doesn't get the Black Lives Matter movement, or why Colin Kaepernick and others take a knee, and still proclaims that, "... all lives matter," I think they need to take a really deep and penetrating look into their own heart.

Silence is complicity, my friends...

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