Saturday, October 27, 2018

LOOKING FORWARD - November 2018 - Buddy Reads and Catching Up


Now that I am only posting a wrap-up every two weeks it became apparent that I needed a monthly preview post!

This is the fifth year for Sarah's read-a-thon and my third participating! In the Goodreads group there is a bookshelf that we've been adding to for three years, but most of the pre and post activity happens in the Facebook group. The week of the read-a-thon we are on the Twitter hashtag #antibullyreads. Sarah does her updates with the giveaway, and hopefully another charity donation like we did last year, on her YouTube channel. Please join us! If you have any questions ask me in the comments.

I will Be continuing on with Anemieke's fifteen year Bartimaeus anniversary read-along on A DANCE WITH BOOKS. I'd like to thank her for introducing me to this new-to-me author, I adore his writing style! Our next book up is PTOLEMY'S GATE.

I almost forgot about the REBECCA read-along hosted by LADIES OF HORROR FICTION.

I'm looking forward to my THE HOBBIT buddy re-read with Greg from BOOK HAVEN. This will be a re-read for both of us and we haven't read it since we were teenagers, years and years ago, so it should be interesting!

I will be reading CAT'S CRADLE with my son for our Second Annual Vonnegut's Birthday Buddy Read. I was thinking about getting the ebook for him now that he is finally using his Kindle tablet for reading, but I decided to buy him the paperback every year, so that when I'm gone he can look at them and remember our reading together.

LOVE LIKE SKY - Netgalley
ELLEN LIVES ON - Netgalley
MAMMOTH - Edelweiss

I'll be picking back up with my re-reading of the Harry Potter books. I think I was 50 percent finished with SORCERER'S STONE. I am listening to the audiobooks and following along in the illustrated editions. I want to start CHAMBER OF SECRETS on Thanksgiving Day and PRISONER OF AZKABAN on Christmas Eve.

 And I will be trying to complete my BWB reading challenge in November and December! I'll be looking for some short books. Ha ha.

What blogging and reading loose ends are you looking to tie up before the end of the year?

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