Saturday, January 27, 2024

THE SATURDAY SOUP #8 - Winter Holidays Wrap-Up - Five Things - Soup Recipe #WinterHolidays #Five Things #SoupRecipe


Welcome to The Saturday Soup! It's a floating feature I hope to post once or twice a month, but if I can't find the time there's no pressure. I will be giving a life update and sharing a soup recipe.

This week I am linking up with The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffinated Reviewer.

The big holiday excitement in my locale was the Rockefeller Center's tree being selected from the Greater Binghamton area, about ten minutes from where I live. The tree was an 80-foot tall Norway Spruce that was 43 feet wide and weighed 12 tons.

The tree was donated by a Binghamton University professor and her husband, Gym Class Heroes drummer, Matt McGinley. I must admit I had no idea who Gym Class Heroes were, but I guess they were pretty big in the early 2000s.
On social media the family was getting dog-piled and dragged for letting the 80 year old tree be cut down, but Norway Spruce are a non-native and invasive species. Rockefeller Center only selects Norway Spruce for this reason. The tree had also become a high winds hazard and most likely would have needed cutting down in the near future anyway.
In January when the trees come down, their branches are chipped as mulch for NYC parks, and the trunk is milled into lumber used to build homes in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.

(about our holidays)

1. We weren't able to have Chinese takeout on Christmas Eve.
My son Baz had to work until 9:30 pm and all the Chinese restaurants were closed by then. This was the first time we haven't had it since we started the tradition, 31 years ago, when he was nine months old. It made me a bit sad.
2. We did have our annual book and cookies exchange on Christmas Eve.

This George R.R. Martin standalone, Tuf Voyaging, about a spaceship captain with a ship full of cats had been out of print for the last ten years and I had been looking for a used copy for Baz, over the last five years, that wasn't over $40.00. An ad for a re-release in October popped up on my Goodreads sidebar and I was extremely happy! And I don't know why my footstool looks water stained, because it's not. Hmm...

Every year that there is a new Mina Lima illustrated Harry Potter title, it's what Baz gifts to me.

3. We have lasagna every year for Christmas dinner and cheesecake for dessert.
4. I received gifts from book blogging buddies, both past and present.

Jolene, who used to blog at Jo's Book Blog, sent me this hardcover Harry Potter Vegan Cookbook!

Annemieke, who blogs at A Dance With Books, sent a bag of of handmade gifts to me. I received another witchy bookmark that I think I will put in my hardcover of Wicked. There were two lovely hand painted wooden tree ornaments, and a small cat painting on canvas I will definitely be using for Instagram photos. She had closed her Etsy shop, and she knew how much I loved the paper slurry gift tags she made with her son, so she sent the last of those to me. I need to make some into tiny bookmarks so I'll have a few to keep forever.

Liis, who blogs at Cover to Cover, sent me tons of Estonian chocolate! I am a huge fan of Estonian chocolate. This is the third time Liis has graced my mailbox with these wonderful confections. The white chocolate is the best I have ever tasted. There were gingerbread flavored malt balls, too. The box also included Turkish dragon's head tea, a notebook, two cute pens, some sticky tabs. I think the tabs are for notating my Jane Eyre copy when we buddy re-read it again this March, for Women's History Month. And I love the Stinky Notes post-it notes! I noticed the Stinky Notes were upside down in the photo, so here's a better view...

5. My favorite gift!

My son is a practical gift giver. I received two large Anchor Hocking lidded glass storage canisters, and an extra large bamboo cutting board I had been wanting for rolling out cookie dough. However, he did surprise me with a laser engraved 6"X6" ceramic Creature from the Black Lagoon tile for my small Creature collection. I have a stuffed Creature, a bighead mini Creature, a Creature action figure, a Creature linoprint, and two hardcover books about the movie. I would love to have a movie film cell.


I think the cat received more gifts than we did!
1. Underneath everything is his new "bed-bed" to put on my bed. He steals my blanket.
2. His first three talking buttons.
3. New scratching post.
4. There's a cat toothbrush buried under the pile somewhere.
5. Two helicopter top toy shooters.
6. 47 needle felted wool balls. There were supposed to be 50!
7. Six mousies.
8. "Stinky treats" that I swore I would never buy again, but he loves them. They reek!

I told my son to make his bed for the photos, but... *rolling my eyes*

I keep hoping if we overly spoil him that he'll forget everything he went through when he was living on the streets.

And say what you will about Facebook, but nowhere else would I be able to see the antics of my old high school Physics lab partner who now lives in Southern California.

I thought this would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

How were your holidays?