Saturday, July 29, 2023

THE SATURDAY SOUP #6 Unhealthy Air - Five Things (that made me happy) - A Summer Soup Hack #CanadianWildfires #Happiness #ProgressoLowSodiumCreamyTomatoBasilSoupHack

THE SATURDAY SOUP FIVE - A Spoonful of My Life - A Little Bit of May - Soup Recipe #RealLife #Soup Reci

(that made me happy)

Welcome to The Saturday Soup! It's a floating feature I hope to post once or twice a month, but if I can't find the time there's no pressure. I will be giving a life update and sharing a soup recipe.

WOW, I can't believe I haven't done one of these in two months!

This week I am linking up with The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Reviewer.

This was our air quality June 6-10. In fact on June 7th it crept up to 187. The particulate was from Canadian wildfire smoke.

Then we had a couple more days at the end of June...

And again a week and a half ago. I hope this is the end of it now because the temps are higher, with high humidity, and it will definitely put me in the hospital with my EDS lungs.

(that made me happy)

I bought one of those meditation floor pillows, which are popular on Instagram as cat beds, for Zuzu. He loves it! It isn't velvety like the Overstock (dot) Com photos and description, and it is almost an inch shorter both ways; it's also not as dark a purple so it was definitely a rip-off, but in cat enjoyment it's a big win. Happy cat... happy human!

I received cards from Annemieke from A Dance With Books, and Elizabeth formerly of So Long... & Thanks For All the Fish. I love getting snail mail!

I was approved for an ARC of my most anticipated release for this year! The Witch of Maracoor. It publishes in October, so it will be my first book for Witchtember.

I was given a 30% off coupon for sharing the Fat Witch Witchscopes link on my Toadstone and Bumbershoot's Facebook page, so I purchased the 8 Big Witch Sampler Tin for myself. The 30% equaled $11 in savings! I have wanted the tin for storing cookie cutters for forever. The brownies are good, but not full price good, ha ha. I do love the tin, though!

This is Howie the Crab. Her Instagram account makes me so happy!

I know I usually drop a from scratch soup recipe in here, but with temps in the nineties+ for most of us, standing by the stove stirring a steaming hot pot is a no go, ha ha!
(I would rather use the microwave in summer)

My main reason for this being my go-to tomato soup is it doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup (10 other names used for high fructose corn syrup) like most canned soups. HFCS shortens our telomeres, which help us with cell regeneration and healing. My son's former Cellular Biology professor does a special two hour lecture on the detrimental effects of high fructose corn syrup every semester because she deems the information vitally important. Another point I would like to make is that contrary to what the food industry tells consumers, the sugar in fruit juice is not just as bad as high fructose corn syrup, in fact fruit juice consumption tends to lengthen telomeres.

My second reason for choosing this soup is the reduced sodium. Even if you like the full sodium taste it's much healthier to add your own sea salt.
 I usually add a dash of no-salt vegetable juice, some shredded fresh baby spinach (pre-microwaving), a tablespoon of ground flaxseed, and four or five shakes of seaweed granules for a nutritional boost. Don't worry, even though the dulse granules say they are a "seasoning" they don't add any flavor. I like a little extra garlic powder and dried basil. I grind my dried basil into a powder; it's more flavorful this way and mixes in more evenly. To make the soup even creamier (auto-c is telling me this isn't a word, ha ha) I also add a bit of oat milk! Some buttered toast is a perfect side.

What summer cooking hacks do you have?