Tuesday, April 21, 2015


TELL ME TUESDAY is a feature that oozed from the fried brains of myself and one of my best blogging buddies. It is a weekly, or bi-weekly feature (depending on your reading style), where you tell us what you are reading now, and why, and what you will be reading in the future from your tbr pile, and why. I am oh so curious why people read what they read. So tell us!

Go have a peek at their newest book grabs and tell them yours.


After reading a ton of review ARCs, I decided to reward myself with a "me" read...


I borrowed the first book from the library after seeing someone mention it in the bookclub group on MyLeaky, and I put my name on the waiting list for the second in the trilogy as soon as it was listed. Then blogging and reviewing happened and this third "chocolate" novel went from a most anticipated in 2013, to being rolled over on seasonal TBRs for a year and a half! 

Also, I am continuing my journey through the Land of Oz via my audiobook collection of all 22 Oz stories (includes short stories). I am on book three, Ozma of Oz.

What are you reading? Tell me!


  1. I'm at 60% with The Winter King that is a Fantasy Romance and quite amazing I must confess!! And I've just started Rogue because I need to work on my ARCs before I go on hiatus on the blog!

    1. Thats right! I am glad you will still be on Twitter and Facebook. :)

  2. Oh. my. GOSH. I DID NOT KNOW THIS WAS A SERIES!! How could I not know?!! I actually quite loved book 1 and chocolate is amazing but also CRIME FAMILIES. *flails* It's been like 4 years since I read bok one though. 0-0 I wonder if I'd remember it enough to try the sequels...

    1. I did it again. Your reply is below as a comment and not a reply. :)

  3. This was one series I have never had trouble remembering the details for. The second book was my favorite! I hope you decide to finish the trilogy. :)

  4. Interesting book! I'm curious how chocolate will be used in love ;) As for me, I'm reading a multitude of things... I really don't have that reading mojo for now because I just got a great game on the Ps3 and then bought a Ps4 and my books are crying out in protest! LOL!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. You and my son! Ha! He has promised he will read this summer break. We shall see because he has promised me that every summer since he has been in college!

  5. You just reminded me that I bought an entire OZ Kindle book a couple of years ago and I had forgotten all about it, I need to read it.

    1. I read, I think, the first seven or so as a child when I was stating at my aunt's one summer. She had purchased the entire collection in hardcover for her daughters. I think I was 9or ten and I don't remember them being that violent, but I am sure they were. When I started reading them with my son I did some violence sensoring as I read. He became bored during the third book and wasn't interested any more so we stopped.


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