Wednesday, October 22, 2014



TELL ME TuEsDaY is a feature that seeped from the fried brains of myself, and Brittersweet from PLEASE FEED the BOOKWORM after a mind twisting Armchair BEA Twitter party. This is a weekly, or bi-weekly, feature depending on your reading style, where you tell us what you are reading now, and why, and what you will be reading next from your TBR pile, and why. Our first (and only) feature follower is Pili from IN LOVE with HANDMADE. We are all oh so curious why people read what they read.

 I have read 50 pages of my beloved Stone in the Sky, sequel to Tin Star, over the last two days. I guess at only 25 pages a day my dance should look more like this...

but, hey, I'm READING!!!! And with the cheerleading of Brittersweet, I will be back in the swing of things in no time!

Next I will be reading Napoleon Xylophone and its sequel, Xyz.


  1. Yay! So glad you are back in the grand swing of things! It's ok we all go through periods of not wanting to read sometimes! Wednesday's dance moves are also quite Classic *love that gif* hurry up and read so you can Throne of a Glass series and The Raven cycle! In the words of Frank Zappa..lap many books so little time!! *wuzzies*

  2. YAY for getting back to reading! I feel like I need another vacation to catch up with everything and read some more books!!

    1. I just saw this!! Yes! Reading vacations. We should get an extra week off each year for reading. :)


Thank-you for dropping by! I love to chat, so comments get a lot of love.