Friday, March 2, 2018



I needed a quick regular third post a week, so I copied off Greg's paper, ha ha, and am posting interesting covers on Fridays. Drop by and give his cover a peek over on BOOK HAVEN.

The first Friday of every month will be a book from my own shelves. Week two will be an ARC I have seen on Netgalley or Edelweiss. Week three will be a Manga or Graphic Novel; and week four will be a Nonfiction title.


Sorry this is not such a great photo, but I had to use an older image I had taken previously because we are still in grab-it-while-you-can-sunshine weather around here. By the time I was done taking my Stacking the Shelves pictures for tomorrow the sun went away.

The dust jacket is a ridgid cardboard folder with elastic fasteners. Tucked in the back flap is a giant map of Ankh-Morpork!
I plan on doing an entire photo shoot review with this book at some point. It's gorgeous!

Here is a video someone made. He shows the map at 2:00. WARNING: The audio is loud, so if you are wearing headphones turn the volume down! The music bed is very nice, though. Ha ha.

Do you have books with unique dustcovers, or fold out illustrations or maps? Are there special editions like these you want?

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